Ø Verbal communication means with words; spoken or written syllables

Ø Nonverbal communication means without words and we communicate nonverbally as well

Ø Actually verbal and nonverbal communication goes along with each other. They support each other to make communication effective



Ø It is true that sometimes nonverbal messages contradict verbal messages

Ø In fact, sometimes they express more accurate feelings than spoken or written language

Ø The nonverbal message holds a greater percentage ineffective messages


 u Overview of nonverbal communication

  Ø Three main categories of nonverbal communication are:

  Ø Appearance

  Ø Body language

  Ø Silence, time, and space


 u Appearance communicates….

Ø Before reading or hearing a verbal message, its appearance will convey nonverbal impressions which will affect receiver’s attitude

Ø While sending a letter, the appearance of envelop, font size, correctness of medium all will convey nonverbal messages


 u Effect on oral messages

u Nonverbal messages will be sent by the person’s personal appearance during speaking

u Dressing, neatness, occupation, age, nationality,

u Appearance of surrounding also communicates during a communication process

u Location, room size, wall decorations, etc.


 u Body language communicates…

Ø The aspects that are included in body language are:

Ø Facial expressions, gestures, postures, movement, smell and touch, voice and sound


 u Eyes and face communicate nonverbally

Ø Eyes and face are very helpful means of communicating nonverbally

Ø They can tell about our hidden emotions and feelings

Ø For example, joy, surprise, anger, confusion, fear, enthusiasm, etc.


 u Gestures, postures, and movement

Ø The gesture is a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning. For example, “He made a gesture of apology “

Ø Posture is the carriage of the body as a whole, the attitude of the body, or the position of the limbs (the arms and legs).

Ø Posture is how you hold your body. There are two types: Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, like when you are walking, running, or bending over to pick up something. Static posture is how you hold yourself when you are not moving, like when you are sitting, standing, or sleeping.

Ø Movement, or motion, is the state of changing something's position—that is, changing where something is. A flying bird or a walking person are moving, because they change where they are from one place to another.


Ø In many jobs our gestures are counted more than words

Ø Deaf people communicate with the language composed of hand, finger, and eye movements

Ø But we should not forget that gestures and movements are culture-specific

Ø Anger can be expressed through different gestures

Handshakes reveal attitude by their firmness and limpness...




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