Two Nation Theory And socio-economic and religious War of Independence (1857)

Two Nation Theory And socio-economic and religious War of Independence (1857)


Pak301 Spring 2021

Assignment No. 1

Name: Abdul Rehman

 Two Nation Theory And socio-economic and religious War of Independence (1857)

·       Do you think that Two Nation Theory became the basis of the creation of Pakistan?

The two-nation theory is the basis of the creation of Pakistan.

The two-nation theory served as the basis of demand for Pakistan by the Muslims in British

India. There are two major nations in British India. The Muslims are not a community but a nation with a distant history, heritage, culture, civilization, and future aspirations...

Two Nation Theory And socio-economic and religious War of Independence (1857)
Two Nation Theory And socio-economic and religious War of Independence (1857)

5 Relevant Points.

1. The Muslims wanted to preserve and product their distinct identity and advance their interests

in India.

2. They wanted to order their lives in accordance with their ideas and philosophy of life without being

overwhelmed by an unsympathetic majority.

3. They demanded a separate state when neither the British nor the Hindu majority community was

willing to offer those guarantees and safeguards.

4. Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations, with their own customs, religion, and traditions;

therefore, from social and moral points of view.

5. They demanded separate electorates, but when they opined that Muslims would not be safe in

a Hindu-dominated India, they began to demand a separate state.

·       What were the socio-economic and religious causes behind the War of Independence (1857)?


The socio-economic and religious causes behind the war of independence (1857).

5 Relevant Points:

1. Rule of Law, socio-economic justice, equity, and fair play.

2. Equality of opportunity to all citizens irrespective of caste, sect, religion, or region.

3. Religious and Cultural tolerance.

4. Respect for human dignity and rights.

5. Protection of the rights and interests of non-Muslims and freedom to practice their beliefs and religions.



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