ACC311-Fundamental of auditing Solved Midterm MCQ’s

ACC311-Fundamental of auditing Solved Midterm MCQ’s


ACC311-Fundamental of auditing
Solved Midterm MCQ’s

1. Standard format of Auditor’s Report as per the Companies Ordinance 1984 is

described in which one of the following Legal Forms?

D. Form35A


2. IFRS stands for which one of the following?

A. International Financial Reporting Standards


3. Which of the following is NOT one of the five major components of internal control?

D. Human resource background checks


4. All of the following should be observed and inspected by the auditors during the

risk assessment process of an entity EXCEPT:

D. Visit to other companies in the industry


5. Which one of the following audit techniques ordinarily provide an auditor with the

the least assurance about the operating effectiveness of an internal control activity?

B. Inspection of documents and reports


6. Which one of the following opinions advocates that the auditor should form an

opinion only after obtaining sufficient audit evidence instead of blindly accepting

any information was given by the management?

A. Auditor’s liability

B. Professional ethics


7. Which one of the following is NOT required as part of the audit process?

D. Procedures to obtain an understanding of the internal control structure


8. SECP stands for which one of the following?

C. Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan


9. One type of analytical procedure is the ‘Trend Analysis’. Which one of the following

is the best example of trend analysis?

C. Comparison of inventory levels over the past 3 years


10. While conducting operational audit, which one of the following auditing procedures

does the auditor primarily rely upon?

B. Analytical procedures

11. Which one of the the following helps to achieve reasonable assurance about the fairness

of financial statements during an audit process?

A-Audit report


12. Which one of the following cannot be considered as the essential feature of Auditing?

The auditor is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements


13. Which one of the following best describes why an independent auditor is asked to express

an opinion on the presentation of financial reports?

The opinion of an independent party is needed because a company may not be

objective with respect to its own financial reports


14. The audit which is a review of any part of an entity’s operating procedures and methods

is known as which one of the following?

Operational audits


15. Which one of the following is considered as the formal opinion or disclaimer thereof,

issued by an independent auditor as a result of audit or evaluation performed on a legal


Auditor's report


16. Which of the following statements is true?

The auditing profession is regulated only by its own professional body


17. Which one of the following primary assertions is satisfied when an auditor ensures that

there are no unrecorded assets, liabilities, transactions or events or undisclosed items in

the client’s financial records?



18. Internal control is primarily established within a company to do which of the following?

To prevent fraud in the company affairs


19. Fixation of remuneration of auditors can be determined by the following authorities

EXCEPT: (Companies The ordinance, 1984)

Company secretary


20. A leather goods manufacturing company has started its operations in the year 2001. After

five years of conducting successful business, it has become a listed company recently.

Now, the company is required to hire its first auditors, but neither the directors nor the

members could appoint the auditors during the past 4 months since the incorporation of

the company. Select among the following authorities who can appoint the auditors in this

situation? (Companies The ordinance, 1984)

Company registrar


21. A company has hired auditors who have performed the audit process in accordance with

the auditing standards, but they fail to present its report. According to the Company law,

1984, the auditors shall be liable for which one of the following liabilities?

Liability for negligence


22. When the cash sales should be recorded by the companies in order to achieve control


Record the cash sales at the point they are made


23. Sales when delivery is done n cash received bcoz sales r recorded after delivery. Cash

sales should be recorded at the point, the sale is made. Usually, this is by means of a Cash

Till or the use of cash sale invoices or receipts. Auditors conduct auditing in accordance


International Financial Reporting Standards

Local pronouncements/Legislations

Financial Accounting Standards Board

All of the given options


24. Which of the following primary assertions is satisfied when an auditor ensures that there

are no unrecorded assets, liabilities, transactions or events or undisclosed items in the

client s financial records?



25. Completeness means that all transactions and relevant information have been recorded

according to applicable IFRS as well as legislation. Which one of the following

statements are NOT true about the internal control system of a company?

An internal control system is expected to provide absolute assurance about the performance of

a company


26. Internal control systems always minimize risk but never these can eliminate risks

absolutely in auditing and accounting noting is absolute. Who shall fix the remuneration

of the auditors, if auditors of a company are appointed by the shareholders? (Companies

The ordinance, 1984)



27. If Directors could not appoint the first auditors of a company, then the first auditors shall

be appointed by which one of the following authorities? (Companies Ordinance, 1984)

Securities and Exchange Commission



28. The books of accounts of a company should be kept at which one of the following

offices? (Companies The ordinance, 1984)

Accounts office of the company


Which one of the following is also called a books of secondary entries?



According to Section 236, Director s report should be attached to which of the following

financial statement? (Companies The ordinance, 1984)

Balance sheet


29. A well designed Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) should incorporate the follo

wing EXCEPT:

Should include simple yes or no responses but not narrative responses


30. Which one of the following examples constitutes the most reliable piece of evidence

available to an auditor?

A written confirmation from a bank


31. Considering the Extent of audit, procedure refers to which one of the following


It refers to the purpose i.e. (tests of controls or substantive procedures) and their type, that

is, inspections, observation, inquiry confirmation, recalculation, re-performances or

analytical procedures


32. Which one of the following situations can constitute grounds for a claim of negligence on

part of the auditors to detect a fraud?

The fraud was committed by a senior management override of internal controls which had

been relied upon in reducing the extent of detailed testing


The control objectives of a sales system typically include the following EXCEPT:

All valid transactions relating to payables, and only those transactions, should be

accurately recorded in the accounting records


33. A local gas station has one clerk that accepts cash payments for gas and rings them up on

the cash register. Which one of the following would be the best control to provide

assurance that the cashier is not keeping some of the cash?

Require that each customer be given a receipt of their purchase





34. Which one of the following may NOT be the control procedure at key stages of the sales

the cycle of an entity?

Bad Debts


35. While testing the purchase system of an entity, which one of the following control tests

may NOT be applied to the purchase order document?

Proof of issuance date


36. While testing the purchase system of an entity, which one of the following control tests

maybe applied to the Goods Returned Notes by the auditors?

Evidence of approval of requisitions

ACC311-Fundamental of auditing  Solved Midterm MCQ’s
ACC311-Fundamental of auditing  Solved Midterm MCQ’s

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