Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Advantages. New Robots and Future Technology News

Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Advantages. New Robots and Future Technology News


Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Advantages. New Robots and Future Technology News

What can the & quot; Neuralink & quot; chip do by Elon Musk?

What new company will it open? Robot in the theater, the coolest underwater robot, artificial intelligence, and how to track a drone pilot. This and other high-tech news in today's video! Elon Musk revealed some of the capabilities of the Neuralink 4.0 chip by answering questions on Twitter. According to Musk, the chip will allow you to listen to music directly from the brain but also to control the level of hormones and other biochemicals in the body to improve physical and mental health. The chip implant will be fully automated and a little more complex than a laser operation to correct vision. Today, Neuralink employs specialists in robotics, histology, and wearable devices. The details of the device for the actual symbiosis between human and artificial intelligence will be on August 28 as promised by Musk. Meanwhile, Musk is building a specific insurance company for Tesla customers, the insurance plan will be individually selected by intelligent algorithms that will evaluate the customer's driving style. In addition, neural networks will warn drivers about how to reduce the fare. For the first time, SpaceX was able to return both parts of the missile tip to the ground using boats with special nets. This is a big step forward for reusable missile technology that has saved approximately $ 6 million. During the last toss, During the last toss, performed on 20 July, the 57th successful attempt of the first phase of the launch took place. Acrobats from the Swedish theater created a show called `` The Last Fish '', but officials didn't like the idea of using ABB industrial robots. They requested that the show be canceled as industrial safety regulations must also be respected on stage, i.e. the robot must work in a cage with no physical interactions with humans. The artists went to court and won the case. The Swedish group worked with Dyno Robotics to program the manipulator and learned how to interact with it safely. The robot is now the eighth member of the crew. The robot & quot; Aquanaut & quot; was relocated from the NASA reservoir. in the open sea to be subjected to a series of tests. the & quot; Aquanaut & quot; is a versatile robot capable of diving like a submarine but with robotic arms. The robot is equipped with sensors to perceive the surrounding environment together with its safety system which decides what to do with the information collected by the sensors. 

New Robots and Future Technology News
New Robots and Future Technology News

The latest robots and future technologies

In submersible mode, the & quot; Aquanaut & quot; it can travel 200km in a single mission, mapping the seabed and verifying the structure of various zones, while controlling the vertical thrust and monitoring its surroundings with its & quot; head unit & quot; capable of rotating 360 °. When it is transformed into a robot with 2 robotic arms it is capable of carrying out complex operations without remote control, but with the operator controlling it with a simple click. Researchers from & quot; Camogie Mellon University & quot; and Facebook AI research jointly created a navigation system for robots. The navigation system, called SemExp, uses the principles of & quot; Machine Learning & quot; to teach robots how to recognize objects and make them guess where they could be located inside the house. According to the researchers, it allows the machine to think strategically so that, for example, if it is looking for the refrigerator it will go to the kitchen rather than the bathroom. The Cassie robot has reached its limit. In fact, he learned to walk with an average speed of 2.1 m / s. Researchers say this is its maximum attainable speed for now. The robot & quot; Spirit 40 & quot; produced by Ghost Robotics can carry a couple of bags of barbecue charcoal weighing more than 10kg and is also capable of balancing on uneven ground, but it does not know how to tip over, fortunately, it does not need it since its body is symmetrical.

the robot & quot; Lio & quot; by F & amp; P Robotics is a mobile platform with a multifunction manipulator arm specifically created to interact with people and help them in daily life. The robot is already used in the medical field, where it operates autonomously, helping medical staff and patients on a daily basis. Lion is able to recognize people and communicate with them, he is also able to move independently, take and carry objects on his own, react to voice commands and entertain patients.

Researchers from Israel have developed a neural network capable of finding the pilot of a drone in flight. the accuracy of the algorithm is currently 80%.

The system analyzes the drone's trajectory and flight characteristics, comparing them on the map of a specific area, such as an airport. The neural map analyzes even the smallest variations in the drone's flight movement and collects all the data: when it is in the pilot's view, when it flies away or when it is obstructed by an object, in this way, all the information collected allows to locate the pilot.

The 18-meter-tall Japanese robot managed to take its first steps. The parameters of the still headless robot are being compiled: height - more than 18 meters, distance from the wrist to the fingertips - almost 2 meters.

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New Robots and Future Technology News
New Robots and Future Technology News

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