Benefits Of Communication

Benefits Of Communication


Benefits Of Communication

u In order to get some benefits in your personal and professional life you have to learn effective communication.

u Focus on some principles of communication

u Practice to inculcate those principles as our characteristics



u Open-mindedness

u Good listener

u Flexibility

u Capable of being differentiating between right and wrong


u Careful judgment

u Patience

u Code of ethics


u Improved skills such as language skills

u Reason or rationale

u Knowledge of your receiver



Benefits Of Communication
Benefits Of Communication


Communication process

u Communication processor

u Components of communication



u Communication is a two-way process of exchanging ideas or information

u Communication will be effective if it gets its desired result, reaction, or response from the receiver

u There are six stages through which our message goes through


u Context

u Sender-encoder

u Message

u Medium

u Receiver-decoder

u feedback








u Reason

u Platform

u Background

u History

u Past

u stimuli



u Internal stimulus

u External stimulus


Sender –encoder

u The process of encoding is done by sender

u Sender must have knowledge of the receiver just to make communication effective.

u The words were given by the sender to his thoughts are called encoding


u The main idea is the message.

u The language must be correct in which we have to deliver the message.

u Message must be complete

u The message must be relevant


u Medium is the channel or way through which we deliver the message

u Medium should be convenient to our receiver

Receiver – decoding

u The process of decoding is done by receiver

u Matching one’s knowledge to the words of the sender is called decoding


u The response of the receiver is called feedback

u Feedback can be positive, negative or neutral

Intrapersonal communication

u The communication within one’s own self is called intrapersonal communication. Here the two agents will be mind and heart. It depends on our inner communication, our inner thoughts

Interpersonal communication

u The communication between two people is called interpersonal communication. Two agents, sender and receiver

u Interpersonal communication encircles many aspects such as public speaking, letter writing, lecturing, etc.





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