The Biggest Technology Trends In 2021

The Biggest Technology Trends In 2021


The Biggest Technology Trends In 2021 

The trend is the same service or the cloud computing the revolution that we're experiencing at the moment what we've seen again during this pandemic is that our work process has changed people are now working from home. people are now shopping completely differently and all of this is enabled by this new cloud infrastructure if you just think about zoom video conference calling was something that very few people did before the pandemic nowadays everyone is completely used to this and zoom saw a huge spike in their demand but because they had the cloud infrastructure in the background.

The Biggest Technology Trends In 2021
The Biggest Technology Trends In 2021 

They could very easily scale their operations up to then deliver the demand that was required so my first two tech trends I talked about artificial intelligence and robots and automation of vehicles all of this is now also available as a service so very similar to cloud computing I can now go to companies like Microsoft or Google or Honda and say can you give me a robot if you want a security robot or warehousing robot you can simply rent those as a service the company will come to you program them for you and then you simply a bit like an employee you have them as long as you need them and then you give them back if you don't need them any more artificial intelligence is also sometimes scary for companies we can now rent ai as a service so companies like again Microsoft amazon google are offering all of these capabilities so if you want to have a recommendation engine on your website that recommends products similar to what you experience on Amazon now makes this available for you as a service using the same powerful algorithm they're using themselves so this for me is a massive trend that will carry on in 2021 the fourth trend is faster networks and 5g basically this is enabling all the previous trends I was talking about so we need faster networks to be able to work from home we need fast networks to access cloud computing we need fast networks and connectivity to have robots and cars driving around in in in the open world and 5g is a key enabler to all of this because 5g will basically mean that we'll have powerful fast connectivity faster the than the um connectivity we have in our offices nowadays with fiber-optic lines will have those on the go so it means that robots or devices will have connectivity to the cloud, they can stream data analyze data and this is enabling everyone to access all the services I've just talked about not even in their confined offices or home. homes but anywhere they go the last trend being fast-tracked for 2021 and one I cover in my book is extended reality so how we use virtual and especially augmented reality to change our behaviors and how we change our business processes again in my last trend I talked about 5g 5g is enabling augmented reality and virtual reality anywhere so at the moment we are still confined to if we want to do virtual reality to goggles we need to have a strong wi-fi connections fast internet speeds good computer processing available 5g and fast networks will mean we have this in a mobile environment my Facebook has just launched VR glasses that look like sunglasses so the technology is developing very fast and this is helping companies to reimagine their business processes and their customer service experiences especially what we've learned in the pandemic that we might not want to go into a retail shop where we try on glasses where we try on hats where we try on clothes virtual reality and augmented reality makes this possible that we do this completely online in a virtual world we have a virtual avatar that can try on our clothes we use augmented reality to try on glasses makeup anything we want to try we can try before we buy without actually interacting with any human being and this is a trend that will see massive acceleration in 2021 and it will also to some extent change our meetings we have at the moment we have zoom meetings and team meetings but they're all int 2d we're on a screen in the future we can put our headsets on and we can immerse ourselves and actually feel that we're in meeting rooms with people we have we can completely reimagine the whole event industry where you can imagine going to an industry show meeting people but you do this in virtual reality these are all trends I talk about in my book tech trends and practice so if you want to dive in more and see many of these accelerated tech trends and learn more about they have a look also head to my YouTube channel where I talk about all of these technology trends in more detail or have a look on my website where you can find thousands of articles.

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