My Game Stop Game Plan (NYSE: GME) Bitcoin

My Game Stop Game Plan (NYSE: GME) Bitcoin

My Game Stop Game Plan (NYSE: GME) Bitcoin

hey everyone all right let's see I don't usually stream on this computer but let's see if it uh starts broadcasting okay looks like it's going through okay um hey bobby hey joey all right so we're gonna do a little youtube Facebook live here. and I'm gonna break down my game stop game plan uh before I do I just wanna make sure my disclaimer is clear for you guys. I'm not sure if it was posted when I first started broadcasting so this is a reminder that day trading is risky in case you didn't already know that most beginner traders lose money so you should assume you will also lose money and with that assumption trade in a simulator before you ever put real money on the line okay so be responsible now uh we're looking at GameStop here I guess it's back all right so I was not expecting this at all um I mean this is I don't really know what to think you know the last few days. has just kind of been you know just like I don't know i guess we're just a 40 50 share stock right now you know it's just kind of been sideways um you know we did have a couple of days back here where it started to move that was in earlier February after the big sell-off so you know if you recall we had the day where.

My Game Stop Game Plan (NYSE: GME) Bitcoin
My Game Stop Game Plan (NYSE: GME) Bitcoin

we had this really big kind of violent sell-off huge bounce um there was another day like that that was even bigger right let's see it was right in here this was crazy drops from 400 to 120 pops back up so anyways this afternoon it starts squeezing back up the only catalyst that I saw was that their CFO resigns and this is being interpreted as uh the CFO is resigning and that board member Ryan cohen and uh you know his vision his strategy i guess is in conflict with I don't know that was what I've been reading so um I think usually when a CFO resigns typically they would be replaced um immediately and also typically a CFO resigning is not always a good indicator for a company but the game stops not get the average stock so in this particular case um traders I guess sort of seized on that opportunity to jump on it and it squeezed here from 50 to 52. Now you know that's nothing crazy pops up there to 54. and then here 56 and then here this is where it starts to get crazy and that candle right there that's where you're like wow this just went from 50 to 64 a share it pulls back for a second continues higher now up to 70 then up to 78 and then up to 90. 

i I honestly think that people are afraid to short it I think that that's a problem people are afraid to short it so they're not shorting it and you know we're as a result seeing this kind of crazy move so all right so it goes up to 90 up to 96 and then the market closes with it at the high of 92. so just under 92 is the market close so the market closes right but you know then it continues trading after hours so after hours it pulls back for a second it does squeeze up to 99 then it drops to 84 and then it rips up to 120 bucks wow up to 127 128 then it pulls back all right it's coming back down to earth right wrong move the chart all the way up to 200 bucks right there and that was in a very a very short period of time we could look at the one minute chart on this just to see how quickly it squeezed up there um and you know what let's even look at the 10-second chart this is a really kind of fast time frame but I just want to look at the kind of how explosive the move was to see if it hesitated or if it really just kind of went straight um so you know after hours has closed and it closed at one around 168 which is pretty darn impressive so now the question of course will be what's the game plan for tomorrow but let's look let's look at this price action uh back here before i decide right now uh when i got home and I started looking at the chart I was certainly wondering uh gosh this is loading super slowly all right well we'll let that load for a second so I was definitely one well so look at that then there it goes okay so yeah so I just want to kind of dial this in and see so this move right here was basically straight up from 85 to 125 I mean that was almost straight up these are 10-second candles so it hardly dipped hardly even a micro pullback it just basically went straight up except for that little dip there then it goes sideways here and then in this move um here we do see some dips so we saw a pretty big difference 170 back to 150 that's 20 a share then from 200 back down to 170 that's over 30 dollars a share okay so riding the waves but not wanting to get caught at the top because those pullbacks are are pretty intense and then this is uh where we ended up curled right back up there to the 190s and then we closed at 168. 

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