Aligarh Movement

Aligarh Movement


Aligarh Movement (3rd)

The War of Independence in 1857 ended in a nightmare for the Muslims of the subcontinent. The British believed that the Muslims were responsible for the war of 1857 and therefore, they were subjected to ruthless punishment and merciless revenge. For the British, the enemy means Muslims because they had expelled them from power. Finally, the Mughal rule came to an end and the subcontinent went directly under the British crown.

In the worst times of Muslims of the subcontinent, someone was required to come and take the responsibility to clear out the worst image that has been created in the eyes of the British. Sir Syed appeared as a leader to Muslims of India and started a movement which is known as Aligarh Movement. It is some sort of reform movement that it should be called a revolutionary movement, since revolutionary means to stand against the status quo.

Sir Syed’s first and foremost objective was to modernize the Muslims following the Western cultural values that could create a friendly atmosphere for the two communities. He motivated his community to learn Western philosophy and English literature to get along with the ruling people. Therefore, in order to fulfill this desire, he started the Aligarh movement. 

The Objectives of Sir Syed was the following:

1. To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the British government and the Muslims 

2. To motivate the Muslims to learn Western education, so they can get jobs and other facilities under the new government. 

3. To persuade Muslims not to indulge in politics, since they were not in a condition to do antigovernment activities. Because it could negatively intensify the current relationship of Muslims with the British.


Aligarh Movement

Well-known figures who helped Sir Syed

Fortunately, Syed Ahmad Khan was able to attract a number of sincere friends who shared his views and helped him. Among them were well-known figures like Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk, Nawab Viqar ul Mulk, Hali, Shibli, Nazir Ahmad, Chiragh Ali, Mohammad Hayat, and Zakaullah. All these personalities advocated the cause set by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Some English professors like Bech, Morison, Raleigh, and Arnold also contributed greatly to building up the Aligarh college into a first-rate institution.

Services of Aligarh movement

He has served us politically, religiously, socially, and educationally.

Political Services

In order to cool down the relationship of Muslims with the British, he wrote a book named Rasala-i-Asbab-Baghawat-i-Hind. In which he said that Hindus were as much responsible for the war as Muslims. Muslims should not be blamed only for war. This could be attributed to the political service of the Aligarh movement.

Religious Services

Sir Syed wrote a book named Tabaeen-al-Kalam, in which he wrote similarities of Islam with Christianity. In addition, He went to England to defend and Answer a Christian writer, William Muir, who made objectionable remarks about the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Social Services

He wrote a book, Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq, in which he explained ethical aspects of Muslim Life. Language is an important part of our social life and culture; therefore, for the protection of Urdu, he wrote the book Anjuman-Tahrik-i-Urdu.

Educational aspects of Aligarh

He constructed numerous educational institutes and the following are the Institute that has been established by the great leader.

  • In 1859, he established madrassa Moradabad where Persian and English were taught.

  • In 1863, he build Victoria School at Ghazipur.

  • The following year, 1864, He set up the Scientific Society at Ghazipur, where about 700 books were translated from English and including other languages to Urdu. Moreover, in 1866, Aligarh Institute Gazette, a journal, was published. The main purpose of the Journal was to arouse goodwill and friendship among the British for the Muslims.

  • In 1875, Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental School also known as Aligarh School was set up.

  • In 1877, later Aligarh school raised to College level, and the college was inaugurated by the Viceroy of India Lord Litton.

  • After the death of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, in 1920, the college was upgraded to University level.

  • In 1886, he set up Muhammadan Education Conference where he and his friends would work on education. It is at that place where the idea of the Muslim League aroused and in 1906 Muslim League party was created.

Formation of Muslim league and Events before and after ML

Firstly, the partition of Bengal reforms was made in 1905, and Hindus get outraged over the partition and as protest, they started some movement. Muslims get upset over the act of Hindus. Due to that, Muslims demand a separate electorate in Simla Deputation 1906. In 1911, the Annulment of Partition of Bengal took place.

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